The film starts with Poppy Moore (
Emma Roberts) and her friends trashing all her dad's girlfriend's stuff in a wild prank. When her father angrily arrives, he tells her that Poppy is sending her to boarding school in England. Arriving at the school, called Abbey Mount, Poppy meets the headmistress Mrs. Kingsley (Natasha Ricardson), her room mates Kate, Josie, Kiki and Drippy they'll help Poppy to go through this bad faseand later they'll become inseparable friends.
> This is something that really caught my attention:
friedship. Poppy used to live in a world where she thought she had friends until she moved on and losing all of them. This fact happened to me once... I thought I had friends just like Poppy until I moved from a public to a private school. The people from the new school tried to be understandable with me but unfortunatelly, I never fit in. At least they tried... My old 'friends', never understood, and later, completely forgot me. That killed me twice: I had to go to that school I hated every single day and when I had my free time, no visits, no messages, no phone calls, nothing. Even the oldest ones, nothing. Exactly, from this time I stopped believing in friedship for me. And my conclusion about this is that friendship is a matter of living together, if you're there they care if you don't they don't. I used to regret everyday for having moved but because of this decisionI've won some things and lost more than I ever thought I could lose and I learned more that I wanted to. I was always complaining and wondering how things would have gone, hoping I could come back in time. Instead, reality wakes me loveless and sweetly says: "The more you want to change the past, more you'll have to change the future". So I learned, what I did it's done and what I lost I won't have it again. We barely have time to live and spending this brief time regreting the past, it isn't the wisest choice. Poppy had her happy end with true friends, I won't give up, I still have hope I'll have my
perfect end! XOXO g.d.